Sunday 22 January 2012

The why

My husband asked me today, "Why are you doing this? How will anyone know it even exists?". I suppose those are valid points, because I haven't figured out how to let other people know. Maybe, while I cruise favourite places like Retronaut, my tag line will lead a few people here. I think in the end what matters to me is that I have put these images out there: 'there' being the wide world of our beloved interwebs, where maybe someone will happen on it by happy surprise in the same way I find the bulk of my fun-things-to-look-at. And maybe by committing these to the web they will continue to exist long after any potential physical disaster befalls the actual postcards themselves (though they've made it a hundred years so far).
I have to believe there are other History Creepers like me out there, that enjoy looking at things that remind us that our ancesors were human and had their own full-colour world, and weren't just static black-and-white figures in a history book.

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